Thursday, 9 February 2012

Writing high-quality Use Cases

A lot of fuss has been and is still being made about the power of use cases and use case diagrams. Use case diagrams though have a limited set of modelling elements, so do not expect too much from them. The narrative part in the use cases however is extremely important, since they form the basis for the later development of your application. They translate your business requirements into functional requirements. So focus on the descriptive part and see the use case diagrams as a mean to:
  • List all features of your application
  • Define who will interact with the features of the application (users and other systems)
  • Promote reusability of features
  • Define inheritance between features
Use Case Diagrams
You can draw up to 6 different modelling elements on a Use Case Diagram. A use case diagram describes the interaction between the users of the system and the system itself.

An actor can be a user, a role, a team, a division, a system or any other actor that will use features of the application. Based on the business requirements, you should have a good idea on who will use the system and dependencies with other internal and external systems.

Use Cases
Based on the business requirements, you can derive different use cases that will fulfil the actor’s requirements. They are focused at a certain goal they must provide to the actors that are using it. Each use case is made up of different scenarios: a normal scenario, alternative scenarios and exceptions (see later).

Associations define the interaction between the use cases and the actors.

One can define three kinds of relationships between use cases:
  • Include
  • Extend
  • Generalisation

This relationship allows reusing certain use cases which perform common tasks, used by other use cases. When a certain use case includes another use case, the include use case is called unconditionally, i.e. always. The include relationship is a way to define reusability in a use case diagram.

Sometimes the term “uses” is used instead off “include”.

The arrow of the relationship points from the calling use case to the called use case.
Figure1: Include

A customer can place an order and will always need to choose the product (s)he want to buy. A sales manager can review the sales of a product by choosing the product for which (s)he wants to see the sales figures.

The extend relationship allows an executing use case to call a certain extension use case under certain conditions.

The arrow of the relationship points from the extension use case (Correct Order) to the executing use case (Validate Order). This means that extension use case decides to impose itself on the executing use case.
Figure2: Extend

If an error occurs in validating the order by the validation system, a user within the validation team can correct the order. The Correct Order extension use case is called under the condition that an error occurs in the validation of the order.

In both the include and extend relationship, the calling use case does not know how the included or extended use case works internally. It is called as a black box.

Generalisation allows (like for classes) to define an inheritance relationship between a general use case and more specific use cases. The specific use case inherits all features from the general use case.
Figure3: Generalisation
Use Case Description
When describing the use case, the following items can be addressed. Mandatory items should not be omitted when describing a use case. As stated, this part is the heart of your functional requirement. Unfortunately UML does not describe any guidelines for this.

Mandatory Paragraphs

Use a descriptive name. Your use case should always start with a verb!


These are conditions that must be met before the use case can start. If one of these conditions are not true, the use case cannot start.

The post-condition of a use case can also be the pre-condition of another use case. This indicates the logical flow between the execution of use cases.

In the description, you can write a small narrative that describes the use case. Don’t forget to include the aim/goal of the use case, although sometimes this is too obvious to mention.

Group here any remarks relating to the use case:
  • TO DO’s
  • Information about functionality omitted or reserved for a next phase
  • Open Questions
  • Technical decisions
This section describes the different scenarios in the use case. You define the different steps in the use case and the interaction between actor and the system.

We can distinguish 3 types of scenarios:

Primary scenario
This is the happy or normal flow that covers the normal sequence of steps if no error occurs.

Alternative scenarios
The alternative flows or scenarios, sometimes also called extension points, are alternatives of the primary scenario. For each step in the primary scenario, you should ask yourself the question: “Can this step have another outcome? Some of these extension points may also call extension use cases (see Extend). Sometimes you may continue after the alternative flow with a step of the primary scenario.

What happens in case of any failure/error during the primary scenario? They can be seen as a special kind of alternative scenario.

  • In complex scenarios, consider using an activity diagram to show all possible scenarios of a use case.
  • It is important is to find a way of indicating where in the normal flow alternative flows occur and where exceptions pop-up.
  • Remember that exceptions may also occur in alternative flows. Put these exceptions in the alternative flow, not in the exception flow, unless the same exception occurs in both the normal and exception flow.

Example 1
We write explicitly in the step of the primary scenario where the extension or exception occurs.

Primary Scenario
User enters search criteria
User presses “Search” button
System displays results of search
Extension 1
Extension 2
Exception 1

Extension 1
User presses “Cancel” button while searching
System issues message “Search cancelled”

Extension 2
System displays “No results found.”

Exception 1
System displays system error “System error: no access to query results.”
Post-Condition: search button is disabled.

You can also group all extension points and exceptions under one paragraph.

Normal Flow
Alternate Flow
·         Extension Point 1
·         Extension Point 2
 Exception Flow
·         Exception 1

Example 2
In this example we use a different notation: in the extension we use the number of the step in the primary scenario where the extension or exception happens.

Primary Scenario
User enters search criteria
User presses “Search” button
System displays results of search

Extension 1 at step 3
User presses “Cancel” button while searching
System issues message “Search cancelled”

Extension 2 at step 3
System displays “No results found.”

Exception 1 at step 3
System displays system error “System error: no access to query results.”
Post-Condition: search button is disabled.

Example 3
In this example we use the number of the step in the primary scenario in a slightly different way. The first number refers to the step of the primary scenario, the second number is a sequential number within the extensions or exception.

Primary Scenario
User enters search criteria
User presses “Search” button
System displays results of search

  • 3.1:
User presses “Cancel” button while searching
System issues message “Search cancelled”

  • 3.2:
System displays “No results found.”

  • 3.1:
System displays system error “System error: no access to query results.”
Post-Condition: search button is disabled.

The post-conditions describe the situation or state of the system/application when the normal flow of the use case ends. Placing them under a separate chapter in your use case increases their visibility, assuring these post-conditions are met when the normal flow of the use cases ends.

In some cases, you can also describe the post-conditions for each exception but you should place them in the Scenario part 

Optional paragraphs


Numbering can be useful if you stick to a simple sequential number. If however you put some logic in your numbering (indication of functional group, main and sub use cases), you will end up in renumbering a lot of use cases, when new use cases pop-up, which inevitably will happen.

These are conditions the use case assumes to be true. The use case will never test them.
A typical example is that you need to be logged in and passed a security check before you can perform any use case within the application. To repeat this assumption for each use case is of course not needed.

A use case is triggered by some event. The following events are typically used:
  • A time event fires of
  • A signal is received
  • A certain condition is met
  • A user initiates a certain action
  • A business event occurs
You can also use the first step in your scenario to define the event that initiates the use case. Up to you to decide which approach works the best.

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